31 Jul The Nigerian Conservation Foundation strengthens relationships with the Forest Center
The Forest Center and Nigerian Conservation Foundation (NCF) have long-standing relationships, including a Memorandum of Understanding, which strengthens conservation initiatives.
The IITA-Ibadan campus is a haven for birds, and holds about 350-ha secondary rainforest, which has been designated by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA), as it supports 67 bird species that are restricted to the Guinea-Congo Forest Biome. NCF being the BirdLife International partner in Nigeria, is responsible for monitoring IBAs.
It was a great honor to have the Director General of NCF, Dr Muhtari Aminu-Kano visit the Forest Center on 9‒10 July 2018. Dr Aminu-Kano participated in mistnetting and bird watching before examining other activities of the Forest Center: Botanical Nursery, Ethnobotanical Garden, Tree Heritage Park, Forest School and Camp site. Dr Aminu-Kano was pleased with the conservation initiatives of the Forest Center and reaffirmed NCF’s commitment and support.

R-L: Dr M. Aminu-Kano (DG, NCF), Mr A. Awoyemi (Manager, Forest Center), Mrs H. Koper-Limbourg (DDG-Corporate Services, IITA) and A. Ajayi (Environmental Education Assistant, Forest Center) removing birds from the mist-net in the IITA Forest Reserve, 10 July 2018. Photo: O. Olubodun.
Following his visit, Dr Aminu-Kano has given stronger support to the Forest Center, which implies the establishment of new SCCs in Oyo and Osun states and strengthening the existing ones. Bravo!!!