21 Jun Caloncoba gilgiana
Scientific name: Caloncoba gilgiana Sprague Gilg.
Family: Achariaceae.
Distribution/conservation status: a small thorny Upper Guinea tree, extending to southern Nigeria along watercourses and in coastal areas. Not assessed by the IUCN Red List.
Common names: Iroko ojo (Yoruba) Fruits/seeds: smooth yellow globose, containing numerous seeds in a gelatinous pulp.
Fruiting time: August.
Seed collection: collect fruit from tree once ripe and tear off leathery skin to remove seeds which are held together by the sticky pulp.
Type of seed: recalcitrant.
Sowing method: sow flat at a depth of 2cm.
Sowing medium: forest soil.
Germination period: 14 days.
Germination percentage: 70%
Growth/development: seedlings develop quickly; they require partial shade and can be planted out 6 weeks after germination. Young trees begin to flower and fruit after 1 year.
Notes: appears to do well in cultivation as an ornamental in moist/wet conditions, including coastal savanna.

Caloncoba gilgiana fruiting