24 Jul Antiaris toxicaria
Scientific Name: Antiaris toxicaria Lesch.
Family: Moraceae.
Distribution/Conservation Status: a variable species, widely distributed in various habitats from wet evergreen forest to dry wooded grassland. Though not assessed by the IUCN Red List, it is declining in some areas due to over-exploitation and loss or degradation of habitat.
Common Names: False Iroko (English), Ooro (Yoruba), Ogi-ovu (Edo), Ebongo (Lakole), Ajiawu (Igbo), Farin loko (Hausa).
Fruits/Seeds: small, ovoid, velvety, orange to red, containing a single hard seed surrounded by yellow flesh.
Fruiting Time: February – March.
Seed collection: fruits are easily collected from under parent tree. Gently squeeze the fruit to expel seed.
Type of Seeds: recalcitrant.
Sowing method: sow 2cm deep in nursery pots.
Sowing medium: equal parts forest soil and cured sawdust.
Germination Period: 18 – 91 days.
Germination Percentage: 90%.
Growth/Development: seedlings require light shade at the early stage but exposure to full sunlight for further growth.
Note: seeds lose viability rapidly under natural conditions and must be sown promptly. The insect Triozamia lamborni damages the main shoot, causing die-back and shedding of leaves.

Antiaris toxicaria seedling