24 Jul Lonchocarpus sericeus
Scientific name: Lonchocarpus sericeus Poir. DC.
Family: Leguminosae.
Distribution/conservation status: widely distributed in drier forests and near watercourses in savanna areas. Not assessed by the IUCN Red List.
Distribution/common names: Savonnette, Lilac tree (English), Nzassi (Igbo), Apapo, Ipado (Yoruba), Ukpakoka (Edo)
Fruits/seeds: clusters of persistent light brown, flat pods, pointed at both ends and irregularly constricted, containing c. 2 – 7 bean-like seeds.
Fruiting time: May – July. Seed collection: collect pods as soon as they fall from the tree and open to remove seeds.
Type of seed: orthodox.
Sowing method: after taking safety precautions to protect face and hands, stir the seeds in concentrated sulphuric acid for 7 minutes, drain and sow immediately in nursery bags at a depth of 2cm.
Sowing medium: topsoil.
Germination period: 10 – 14 days.
Germination percentage: 75 – 80%.
Growth/development: seedlings require partial shade; they can be planted out 8 weeks after germination.
Notes: seedlings should be watered every three days; do not over-water.

Lonchocarpus sericeus flowering. credits: D.Bown