19 Dec Khaya ivorensis
Scientific name: Khaya ivorensis A. Chev.
Family: Meliaceae.
Distribution and conservation status: most abundant in evergreen forests, but also found in moist semi-deciduous forests, in areas with 1600-2500 mm annual rainfall; VU due to forest degradation and loss.
Common names: Lagos mahogany (English), Oganwo (Yoruba), Onu (Igbo), Obolo (Edo).
Fruits/seeds: fruits are erect, nearly globose, woody capsule 5-7 cm in diameter, greyish brown and dehiscent by 5 valves. The seeds are disk-shaped or quadrangular, strongly flattened 2.5 cm x 3.5 cm, narrowly winged round the margin and brown in colour.
Fruiting time: June – October.
Seed extraction method: remove seeds from the pod.
Type of seed: recalcitrant with hypogeal germination.
Sowing method: direct sowing.
Sowing medium: forest top soil.
Germination period: 10-13 days.
Germination percentage: 100% for fresh seeds.
Vegetative reproduction: stem cuttings from seedlings less than 2 years reported to be successful.
Planting: full shade.
Growth and development: average height of saplings and stem diameter are 4.5 m and 8 cm, respectively after 4 years. Mass production of seeds is reported to occur every 3-4 years.