20 Jun Synsepalum dulcificum
Scientific name: Synsepalum dulcificum Schumach. & Thonn. Daniell
Family: Sapotaceae.
Distribution/conservation status: small understorey tree or shrub found mostly in damp areas, such as along watercourses. Not assessed by the IUCN Red List.
Common names: Miracle fruit/berry (English), Agbayun (Yoruba), Azimomo (Edo).
Fruits/seeds: small, bright red, ellipsoid berry containing one seed in fleshy pulp which is edible and has the unusual effect of making sour and bitter foods taste sweet.
Fruiting time: May – June.
Seed collection: collect ripe fruits from the tree and squeeze in water to remove and clean the seed.
Type of seed: recalcitrant.
Sowing method: sow at a depth of 2cm in trays or pots.
Sowing medium: forest soil.
Germination period: 7 – 10 days.
Germination percentage: 75 – 80%.
Vegetative propagation: Marcotting/air-layering.
Growth/development: seedlings are small and quite slow-growing; they prefer partial shade and can be planted out 12 weeks after germination.
Notes: young plants from seed take many years to flower and fruit while marcotts flower and fruit in the first year.

Synsepalum dulcificum flowering. credits: D.Bown.