21 Jun Treculia africana
Scientific name: Treculia africana Decne. ex Trécul
Family: Moraceae.
Conservation status/distribution: occurs in evergreen forest and wet areas of semi-deciduous and drier forests.
Common names: African breadfruit, African boxwood (English), Ukwa (Igbo), Afon (Yoruba), Ize (Edo)
Fruits/seeds: massive, spherical, yellow-green fruit, covered by tiny black prickles and containing pulp in which numerous seeds are embedded.
Fruiting time: December – July.
Seed collection: fruits detach from trunk and branches when ripe, falling under the tree where they are easily collected. Remove seeds from pulp as fruits start to decompose.
Type of seed: recalcitrant.
Sowing method: sow at a depth of 2cm in nursery bags.
Sowing medium: forest soil.
Germination period: 7 – 10 days.
Germination percentage: 100%.
Growth/development: Seedlings require full shade and frequent watering. Growth is quite fast and saplings should be large enough to plant out 8 weeks after germination. Trees start to flower and fruit for the first time after 3 and 4 years respectively.
Note: seedlings are prone to attack by caterpillars; check for damage and remove caterpillars manually.

Treculia africana flowering. credits: D.Bown