Khaya grandifoliola

Picture of Khaya grandifoliola fruits & seeds. credits: D.Bown

Khaya grandifoliola

Scientific name: Khaya grandifoliola C.DC.
Family: Meliaceae
Distribution/conservation status: widely distributed in semi-deciduous forest and along watercourses in savanna areas. Vulnerable (VU) due to habitat loss and degradation, and over-harvesting for timber.
Common names: Benin mahogany, Broad-leaved mahogany (English), Odala (Igbo), Oganwo (Yoruba), Opken, Ogvangho (Edo).
Fruits/seeds: an almost spherical woody capsule with four segments containing numerous flattened, almost rectangular seeds, each with a narrow papery wing.
Fruiting time: January – June.
Seed collection: pods usually open as they fall. Unopened pods should be kept dry and allowed to open naturally.
Type of seed: recalcitrant.
Sowing method: sow promptly, leaving seeds partially uncovered.
Sowing medium: forest soil.
Germination period: 14 days.
Germination percentage: 75-80%.
Growth/development: seedlings do best in a light sunny position. Growth is quite fast and planting out is done when seedlings reach 0.5 -1m in height.
Notes: Seeds are prone to insect attack while pods are still on the tree. Check each seed and discard any with tiny holes.

Picture of Khaya grandifoliola flowering. credits: D.Bown

Khaya grandifoliola flowering. credits: D.Bown

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