Terminalia ivorensis

Picture of Terminalia ivorensis. credits: D.Bown

Terminalia ivorensis

Scientific name: Terminalia ivorensis A.Chev.
Family: Combretaceae.
Distribution/conservation status: widespread in semi-deciduous and evergreen forests, especially in moist to wet conditions in gaps or secondary forest. Vulnerable (VU) due to occurrence in low densities and poor regeneration.
Common names: Black Afara, Satinwood (English), Awunshin (Igbo), Afara dudu (Yoruba), Baushe (Hausa), Egoyne nebi, Ebi (Edo).
Fruits/seeds: brown winged nut containing one seed.
Fruiting time: July – October.
Seed collection: fruits are dispersed by wind but easily collected from under and around the parent tree. Check carefully for insect damage and discard any with holes.                                                                                                                                                                                     Type of seed: recalcitrant.
Sowing method:  remove wings and sow seeds flat at a depth of 2cm. Soaking seeds in water speeds germination.
Sowing medium: equal parts forest soil and cured sawdust
Germination period: 27 days.
Germination percentage: 45%.
Growth/development: slow after germination but accelerating as seedlings develop leaves. They need partial shade and can be planted out after 4 months. Trees start flowering after c. 5 years.                                                                                                                                               Notes: Weevils (Nanophyes spp. and Auletobius spp.) cause severe damage to fruits. Larvae of moths Epicerura spp. may cause defoliation, resulting in significant die-back.

Picture of Terminalia ivorensis. credits: D.Bown

Terminalia ivorensis. credits: D.Bown

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